Posted inBroadcast Business

Avoim showcases Pro64 Network Manager

PC Control app designed to offer centralised control - for free.

Avoim showcases Pro64 Network Manager

Aviom has demonstrated its new Pro64 Network Manager PC control application at PLASA 2010. The company, best known as the developer of the powerful audio transport protocol, A-Net, has designed the new app with a simple front-panel user interface that makes it possible to create sophisticated audio networks without PC-based programming. Soon to be available as a free download from the company’s website, the software control application is targeted at users looking for a centralised control and status monitoring option, according to the firm.

This new graphical interface is said to be highly intuitive and provides both global and device-specific information for front of house monitoring, allowing on-screen management of even the most complex audio networks from a single location. Avoim claims that with the Pro64 Network Manager, front of house engineers now have remote control of every Pro64 device in a network through a PC connected to the network’s Control Master device. Network settings and audio parameters for each Pro64 device can be handled on screen, simplifying channel routing, network management, streamlining the workflow and increasing the flexibility of the network as a whole. Users also have the option of saving device-level presets that can recall commonly used local settings for individual Pro64 modules as well as the ability to save network-wide scenes that can reset an entire network with just one click of the mouse.