ADLIB, the UK based rental company, provided sound for the King Tut’s Wah Wah Hut stage at the 2012 T In The Park Festival, staged at Balado, Kinross-shire, Scotland. Kenny Perrin of ADLIB was joined by Michael Bernard Flaherty, Sam Proctor and Steve Pattison.
A JBL VerTec system was specified and the main PA hangs comprised of nine VT4889 speakers per-side, with 4-a-side for the two delay towers, positioned left and right of the FOH mixer to ensure the sound radiated evenly out to cover the back of the enormous tent.
The subs were sixteen VerTec 4880As arranged in four blocks of four across the front of stage. For infills and outfills the system design utilised 16 x Coda LA8s, chosen for their compact size and low profile. All the 4889s were driven from Camco Vortex 6 amps, with Labgruppen PLM 20000s for the subs and in/out fills.
In addition, at the FOH, ADLIB supplied a Soundcraft Vi6 console and one of their standard Lake processing/matrixing racks complete with two LM44s and three LM26s. The FOH domain was looked after by Pattison, with a selection of outboard also available as spec’d by certain engineers, including a TC 2290 tap delay.
Furthermore, onstage, Pattison looked after the monitors, with a Yamaha PM5D console and 18 x ADLIB MP3 wedges, all powered by PLM 10000s. For side fills 4 x arcs, 4 x SB28s were used and there were Adlib drum subs provided too (2 x MP3 subs & 2 x 15”). Finally, a full festival mics and stands package was integral to the audio set up, and the patch was co-ordinated by Proctor and Flaherty.